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BOOKSTORE UMM merupakan toko buku milik UMM yang terletak di Jl. Raya Tlogomas no.50, Malang, Jawa Timur. Bersebelahan dengan Hotel UMM/UMM Inn. UMM Bookstore adalah unit usaha di bawah kepemilikan UMM dan sedang didaftarkan sebagai Perseroan Terbatas (PT). UMM Bookstore mulai beroperasi pada tanggal 21 Agustus 2005.

Pada Toko Buku ini memiliki banyak koleksi buku bacaan. Koleksi buku terdiri dari 3 segmen besar yaitu: Kesenangan (misteri, romantisme, humor, action, non fiksi umum), pendidikan (buku teks pendidikan dasar, menengah dan tinggi) dan profesi atau referensi (terbitan universitas, subyek khusus, referensi penunjang, buku dan majalah populer).

Berbagai macam pengetahuan, kesenangan, profesi, bahkan agama. Koleksi majalah terbatas majalah komputer dan elektronik. Tidak hanya buku-buku, disini kita juga  bisa membeli alat-alat /stationary dan merchandise UMM. Pelayanan yang ada di toko buku ini pun amat sangat ramah.

sumber: disini

Baiklah teman-teman, selesai sudah saya mendeskripsikan semua tentang Fasilitas Milik UMM. Semoga semuanya menjadi info yang bermanfaat bagi saya sendiri dan terlebihnya bagi yang mengunjungi blog saya ini juga. jangan pernah bosan untuk mengunjngi blog ini lagi dan lagi, terimakasih...
wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.


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PRACTICE 1 PRACTICE FOR WRITING SKILL Read this following paragraph carefully. 1.       RAILWAY MANIAS In 1830 there were a few dozen miles of railways in all the world – chiefly consisting of the line from Liverpool to Manchester. By 1840 there were over 4,500 miles, by 1850 over 23,500. Most of them were projected in a few bursts of speculative frenzy known as the ‘railway manias’ of 1835–7 and especially in 1844–7; most of them were built in large part with British capital, British iron, machines and know-how. These investment booms appear irrational, because in fact few railways were much more profitable to the investor than other forms of enterprise, most yielded quite modest profits and many none at all: in 1855 the average interest on capital sunk in the British railways was a mere 3.7 per cent. (From The Age of Revolution by Eric Hobsbawm, 1995, p. 45)      Topic          ...


PRACTICE 2 SUMMARIZING AND PARAPHRASING Please read these folowing paragraph carefully. Then,write the summary and paraphrase of the paragraphs. 1. From Bliss, Michael. The Discovery of Insulin. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1982. Chapter 8, Section I, Paragraph 1, Page 190: Most medical people despised the press, holding attitudes not totally unfamiliar today. Reporters tended to be suckers for every quack, half-quack, over-eager scientist, or naive country doctor who thought he had a serum to cure tuberculosis, a herbal remedy for cancer, or a new surgical procedure to rejuvenate the aged. When the newspapers were not wasting space on undeserving medical stories, they were over-playing legitimate news, getting their facts wrong, and generally making a nuisance of themselves interfering in the lives and practices of busy professionals. Doctors’ deep suspicion of what they read in the newspapers and even in the less-carefully edited of the medical journals, helps to ...


Work with a partner or in a small group. Read the following paragraphs. Then choose the best topic sentence , find the topic and the controlling idea for each one from the list. Write that sentence on the line. 1.   For example, Kansa City, in the very center of the United States, is known for its beef, and Kansas City barbecue is everyone’s favorite way to enjoy it. In Boston, people love baked beans. In the Southwest, chili, a stew made of meat, beans, tomatoes, and hot peppers, is the regional dish. Wisconsin, a state with many dairy farms, is famous for its cheese. Go to Maryland and Virginia for crab cakes and to the Northeast for clam chowder and maple syrup. Indeed, many U.S. cities and regions have a special food for everyone to enjoy. a.     There is a variety of food in the United States b.     Food in the United States varies from sweet desserts to spicy stews c.     Different regions of the United States have the...